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ACRO is a Public Benevolent Institution (PBI, not-for-profit Charity) that has engaged in social justice work since the 1960s. ACRO’s commitment to charitable enterprise as defined by its Charter, is governed by a Mission Statement, a set of commonly agreed Core Beliefs and Constitutional Objectives. In addition and of equal importance are that at the core of ACRO’s not-for-profit structure are its principles and practices that seek to:  provide relief from poverty; advance health; advance education; advance social and public welfare; protect human rights; and, advance the security and safety of Australian citizens. 

ACRO’s core values are that:


  1. Every person has intrinsic worth and the right to be treated with dignity, equity, fairness and compassion.

  2. Every person has the potential to become a responsible citizen.

  3. Every person has the right to live in a safe and peaceful society and a responsibility implied by this right to respect the law.

  4. Every person has a corresponding responsibility to reflect, positively influence and uphold social justice principles and the law.

  5. Justice is best served through measures that resolve conflict, repair harm and restore peaceful relations in society.

We recognize that there are some within our community who suffer disadvantage, particularly those who are vulnerable, and who are socially isolated experiencing considerable anxiety, loneliness and lack of well-being. Amongst these we acknowledge the key constituencies (and concepts) broadly defined as:


  • The Homeless;

  • Frail Aged;

  • Young People;

  • Those affected by the criminal justice system (victims and offender families);

  • Those impacted by Ethnocentrism and Racism of all forms;

  • Socially Isolated.


We are committed to innovative interventions on behalf of these constituencies by way of:


  • Educational Supports;

  • Provision of Crisis Accommodation;

  • Material Aid;

  • Programs that seek to reduce and eliminate discrimination in all forms;

  • Networking and collective community negotiation;

  • Research and Advocacy;

  • Provision of services that reduce anxiety incorporating, for example, inter-generational support for older and younger people;

  • “Ageing In place” processes that support clients by creating positive well-being.


We are also committed to the resolution of problematic issues within our community through:


  • Effective partnerships and collective action;

  • Research, Development and evaluation of programs;

  • Financial Self-sufficiency;

  • Public debate and the prosecution of policy enhancement;

  • Whole-Of-Community approaches that engage affected people proactively in problem-solving;

  • Publications that address social issues;

  • Problem-solving through negotiation at a local level (grass-roots interventions);

  • Fundraising.

© 2024 by ACRO. 

​​Call us:

Home Maintenance: 38566222


Head Office  ​3856 6111

​Find us: 

P O Box 440


ACRO Maintenance email:

The ACRO Logo and Smiley 

Face Logo are Trademarked by ACRO Incorporated

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